Thursday, July 20, 2006

Spiritual Direction

Discipleship pack

What is a discipleship pack?

It is a spiritual direction for people who really want to take the message that has been preached and turn it into practical living. It is a tool to be used so that what has been heard in the message translates into practical action and a transformed life. It is a tool to be used by the fully engaged and devoted disciple to make sure that they become doers of the word and not merely those who hear without ever changing.

Why are the exercises effective?

They are based on a careful study of the human soul and the psychology of our minds. The spiritual direction here is designed to impact us not only intellectually but at the deeper levels of the subconscious which the Bible speaks of as the heart. If they are practiced as outlined consistently then they will be tools of the Holy Spirit to bring about transforming change. Our belief is that change does not normally happen due to some supernatural “zap” of God but is due to a process which takes place within us over time. Time is our friend and God works in us normally through a gentle process that brings about long term change.

Why should I do these spiritual exercises?

For the same reason you do physical exercise. To maintain health, reduce stress, and increase strength. Many of us want to be sane, stable, strong, and spiritual. But this desire is not becoming a reality in our lives. Instead we find ourselves troubled, overwhelmed, exhausted, and dominated by sinful habits we hate. This spiritual direction can begin to equip our souls to successfully fight the inward battle against the unbelief in our hearts, the influence of the culture around us, and the influence of the dark forces of evil which seek to destroy us.

Our hope: That you will use this discipleship pack as a help towards making your faith in Christ, real, practical, and transforming. Take the challenge offered here to not just hear the word but live it.

Read Mark 1:9-13
Lectio Divina: Sacred Reading

Thinking About the Word.
Listen carefully as you read this scripture passage is read aloud. In the space below, write a sentence that summarizes what this passage means to you. Begin with a statement such as, I think this passage means. or I think God is telling us..

Experiencing the Word.
Read the passage again out loud. In the space below, note the sights, smells, tastes, touches, sounds or feelings that the second reading of the passage evokes in you. These do not have to be complete sentences. You may also draw symbols or pictures if you wish.

Meditating on the Word..
Read the passage again out loud. In the space below, write the word or phrase that leaps out at you in this passage as it is read a third time. Sit quietly for several minutes and repeat the word or phrase in your mind. Try to wipe away extraneous thoughts and focus on your word or phrase.

Acting on the Word.
Read the passage again out loud. Listen attentively to the fourth reading of the passage. In the space below, write in one sentence where you believe God is calling you, your church, or your community to act in the world based on this passage. Use an I statement such as I think that God. or I hear God.

A Circle of Prayer
Speak to two or three people about also doing this exercise. Meet once a week in person on by internet. Share with each other the insights that God gave you in your reading of this passage. Pray for one another in light of this passage and the insights gained. Hold each other accountable for doing sacred reading each week.

Meditation on This Word – Mark 1:9-13 - Read this meditation once a day for six days

NAU Mark 1:9 In those days Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. 10 Immediately coming up out of the water, He saw the heavens opening, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon Him; 11 and a voice came out of the heavens: "You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased." 12 Immediately the Spirit impelled Him to go out into the wilderness. 13 And He was in the wilderness forty days being tempted by Satan; and He was with the wild beasts, and the angels were ministering to Him.

Also read: Matthew 3:13-17
Matthew 4:1-11
Luke 4:1-13

Sometimes we wonder how committed Jesus is to us. We wonder about how dedicated He is to helping us. Even in light of the incarnation that tells us that the eternal second person of the God head has now taken on a human nature to save us. Now we see that Jesus chooses to place upon himself the covenant sign of baptism. This was not because he had to repent. It was not because He lacked the Holy Spirit.

Why then is Jesus baptized? It was because He wanted us to know that He was ready to fully be identified with us. He also pointed out the importance of baptism. He was showing us that we should all want to do whatever God calls us to do. He is an example of obedience to us. Every disciple and their children need to be baptized. It is an important part of our relationship with God.

Eventually he would identify with us by taking our sins upon Himself. His baptism shows that He is dedicated to His people and that He is willing to die for their sins. One of the key points here is that Jesus is one with us. He sees us as His family. We are the people of the King and the King is not ashamed to be identified with us. He approves of us and accepts us.

Jesus is focused on doing the will of the Father. He is focused on seeking first the kingdom of God and righteousness. This drives him and is His passion. He wants to fulfill the will of God on the earth. If we are to become like Jesus we must also seek to do all of God’s will and be identified with God’s purposes on the earth. Jesus was not ashamed to be identified with us, but are we at times ashamed to be identified with Him?

Jesus also now faces the temptation of the devil. The devil is a fallen angel who heads an angelic rebellion against the kingdom of God. This angel choose to rebel against God’s rule and strives to encourage men to join him in disobedience. He tempted mankind in the paradise and now attempts to tempt Jesus who is the second “Adam” not in a garden but in a wilderness. Here Jesus’ faithfulness to God’s plan and purpose are put to the test.

The tests that Jesus faces are not unlike those we face. The first temptation is to use God and “spirituality” to get our needs and wants instead of seeking God for Himself. The next test is to try to see if God loves us by taking unrealistic and uncalled for risks and then blaming God if they don’t work out. Finally, the ethical dilemma is to compromise our principles in order to get the good thing done. It is easy to tell ourselves that the end results justify the methods. It is hard to argue with “success”

The Bible makes clear that everyone has to face a very hard and difficult life. Even the Son of God has to face the testing of the devil. He is led by the Holy Spirit out to face this test even as the man and women were allowed by God to be tested by the devil in paradise. They failed that test. We failed that test when the devil tested us. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But Jesus did not fail that test. That is why He is the Savior. He alone is good.

But now as Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit and forgiven us our sins we are better equipped to face these tests. We will still fail but at times we will succeed. We will resist the devil and he will flee from us as we walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and use the practice of the spiritual disciplines to help us overcome the influence of our rebellious culture, the dark spiritual forces, and our own unbelief within our hearts.

Our lives are sometimes in a period of testing. At other times God send angels to strengthen us. He builds us up and then allows us to face a difficult time to see how well we have learned to follow Him. Through this testing of our faith we become more and more like Jesus (James 1:1-12). This is the normal road of maturity for disciples of Jesus.

The key here is that Jesus has come to be identified with us. He wants us to know that He accepts us and is not ashamed to be our King. Are we ashamed to be His people? Our King is dedicated to fulfilling all righteousness. Are we ready to follow Him in fulfilling all righteousness? Are we ready for the tests that are coming into our lives? Are we aware that life will be a battle with the values of our unbelieving culture, the dark angelic forces, and our own doubting hearts? Do we seek the Lord for the strength to overcome these influences that we might follow Jesus? To follow Jesus means to be ready to be tested as He was and to resist the devil each and every day (James 4:7). Through this process we will become more like Jesus.

Community questions – Mark 1:9-13
Also read: Matthew 3:13-17
Matthew 4:1-11
Luke 4:1-13

1. Why do you think that our society has little emphasis on baptism or church membership?

2. What do you think it means that Jesus wanted to “fulfill all righteousness”?

3. What feelings do you have when you think about hearing a voice from heaven saying to Jesus; “This is my beloved Son”?

4. Why is it important that Jesus want so be identified with us as our King?

5. From reading these passages how important does it seem to the gospel writers that Jesus overcame the devil in the wilderness?

6. How do you think that the devil is testing Christians in American culture today?

7. How would you explain to someone else the importance of being ready to resist the devil in our daily live ?

Meditation (Self Talk) - Psalm 1 - By speaking to ourselves out loud with passion and focus that which is true, especially at times when we are tempted and tested by life, we can begin to reprogram our hearts and have the life of Jesus flow through us into the world.

1. Jesus wants me to know that He is not ashamed to be my King
2. Jesus wants me to know that baptism is important
3. Jesus wants me to be ready to resist the devil in my daily life
4. Jesus wants to seek to fulfill all righteousness
5. Jesus wants will comfort and strengthen me when I am weak
6. Jesus wants me to be open to the Holy Spirit leading me into new spiritual trials
7. Jesus wants me know that I now am He is well pleased with me today

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